Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Lunchtime adventure

So we go take the Rickenbacker into the music store for a setup (a Rachel Compliant Store, of course), and then hit Wendy's because Dan had to turn in $1.71 of non used pvc parts (cheap bastard). So in the line a guy is just standing there and lets us cut saying he doesnt have enough money for anything but water and he just lost his job and has a family to feed. He let people behind us cut too. So we get our food and I give the guy like 4 bucks and tell him to get some food. Dan called me a sucker. lol. But the dude did buy food and sat down and ate it. Sucker? Someday we will know for sure. lol. But hen we go to home depot and me and the lady doing the returns are just giving Dan all sorts of grief over returning $1.71 of parts. I told Dan he should get store credit and buy me a couple Snikers bars. The lady was laughing and said no one was getting Snickers because she put it back on his AMEX. lol... NO SNICKER FOR YOU!!!! I love lunch... soooo many things happen... lol


Blogger xlcior said...

Shoulda gave the guy in line the pvc parts.

2:59 PM  

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